When people think of giving to a nonprofit, their first thought is a monetary donation. While this is the most common, there are several other ways to give back to the epilepsy community. Check out some of the different ways you can make a difference:
1. Become a monthly donor.
Monthly giving is a convenient way to ensure the continued success of EFCST programs and services. You can set up your monthly gift online quickly and easily and manage your donation on our new online donor portal. With our new donor portal, you can manage the amount of your donation and the frequency at any time, all online.
2. Donate your Spare Change.
Looking for an even easier way to give? Sign up to donate your spare change with every purchase you make. When you purchase that cold brew for $4.53, the remaining 47 cents is automatically donated to EFCST. Additionally, you can manage your gifts and track your impact online.
3. Donate your vehicle.
Turn your car (or boat or motorcycle) into essential services for people with epilepsy. We accept any vehicle — running or not — including cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, and more. Your vehicle is towed free of charge, and the process is fast, easy, and secure.
4. Give while you shop with AmazonSmile.
When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you help the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas provide valuable health services. Your Amazon Smile purchases strengthen families who face seizures.
5. Make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one.
You can make a gift to the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas in memory of or in tribute to a loved one. We will even notify your family member or loved one that a gift has been made. This way, you can honor your loved one and support the epilepsy community.
6. Ask about workplace giving!
Many companies match their employee’s charitable contributions. Also, unique campaigns for federal and local government employees to donate directly from their paychecks throughout the year. Find out more about workplace giving at efcst.org/give or ask your employer.
7. Find out about planned giving.
Planned giving is a way to ensure the success of EFCST for years to come. Those who decide to include EFCST in their will are invited to join our Legacy Society. Learn about bequests, IRA rollovers, and endowment gifts and how you can include EFCST in your future.
8. Become a volunteer.
When you volunteer, you’re not necessarily making a monetary donation. Still, by donating your time, you’re helping to provide support and resources to our staff. Volunteerism has just as much worth to us as monetary donations. In a lot of ways, it holds value for the volunteer as well as for us.
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