When you’re thinking about giving back to the epilepsy community, becoming a monthly donor is beneficial for EFCST and you. By becoming a monthly donor, you’re providing a steady base for long-term programs and services that are life-changing for those affected by epilepsy.

Benefits for You (The Donor)

Monthly donations are affordable. For only $26 a month (that’s less than $1 a day), you can make a more considerable impact on people with epilepsy. Even if you only gave $10 a month, your overall annual contribution would equal $120!

Monthly donations are flexible. At any time, you can log into our donor portal and adjust your donation.

Monthly donations are impactful. Your monthly donation provides a steady income to ensure the success of our essential programs and services for months and years to come. 

Monthly donations are convenient. You can securely save your card information or choose to have monthly donations automatically withdrawn from your account. Changing your information or monthly contributions is as easy as logging on and clicking a button. 

Benefits for Us (Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas)

Monthly donations are dependable. Having a steady stream of income from monthly donors allows us to invest in long-term solutions for those who have epilepsy. It also allows us to continually improve the lives of those with epilepsy in Central and South Texas.

Monthly donations are cost-effective. Recurring donations are collected at a much lower administrative cost to us versus fundraising events and donation appeals.

This month, help us reach our goal of reaching 26 new monthly donors. Monthly giving will allow you to see your impact on the lives of those with epilepsy in your community for years to come. Empower those with epilepsy by funding education, medical services, self-management programs, and more today. 

If you have any questions on monthly giving, please contact the Development Team at (210) 653-5353 or Development@EFCST.org.