
19 Jun

My Walk Story: Abi’s Angels

By Vanessa Camarillo, Abi’s Mom Diagnosis Our princess, Abi, was diagnosed with complex partial seizures at five years old. She was my baby, my little girl, my angel, who was suffering from something beyond our control. We couldn’t fix her pain or her difficult path ahead. We didn’t know what was going on, and we had so many questions. Adapting The day she...

Kathy's team "Gato"
03 Jun

My Walk Story: Team Gato

By Kathy Kraemer Making the Decision For the past five years I have worked as the Social Services Coordinator here at the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas, my family and I have always been assigned parking lot duty at our Walk to END Epilepsy events and we love it!!  But, at this year’s Austin Walk to END Epilepsy, I...