
01 Mar

Ways to Give to EFCST

When people think of giving to a nonprofit, their first thought is a monetary donation. While this is the most common, there are several other ways to give back to the epilepsy community. Check out some of the different ways you can make a difference: 1. Become a monthly donor. Monthly giving is a convenient way...

08 Jul

Brothers Come Together at Camp Brainstorm

By Kathy Kraemer Preparations for Camp Brainstorm start early at the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas. It is a year-round process to recruit more than 65 children with epilepsy, plus volunteer counselors, and volunteer medical staff. Historically, the process of recruiting enough male counselors has been more difficult than identifying enough female counselors. This year, I decided to ask...

Michael at support group
15 May

My Epilepsy Story: Michael’s Story

Diagnosis I was first diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 17 years old. I was crossing the street with some friends and had my first Tonic-Clonic seizure. Everyone around me was caught off guard. When I woke up in the hospital, I was told something much worse than I had just been hit by a truck; I was told that I...

25 Mar

My Epilepsy Story: From Law Enforcement to Education

By Ken Marschand How My Epilepsy Journey Began After a traumatic brain injury in 2004, my doctors told me to expect seizures at some point in my life. However, I didn’t know as much as I know now about how seizures vary from person to person. A few years ago, while grocery shopping with my wife, something strange happened. My eyes twitched wildly,...

Monica & Kim
19 Dec

My Epilepsy Story: Redefining Monica

Thank YOU. You made a big difference in Monica’s life this year. Monica had been bullied and lost several jobs because of her epilepsy. She was anxious, self-conscious and she experienced memory issues. When she first met with Kathy Kraemer, the social services coordinator for Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas, Kathy remembers Monica “selling herself short.” Monica wanted to...