Thank YOU. You made a big difference in Monica’s life this year.

Monica had been bullied and lost several jobs because of her epilepsy. She was anxious, self-conscious and she experienced memory issues. When she first met with Kathy Kraemer, the social services coordinator for Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas, Kathy remembers Monica “selling herself short.”

Monica wanted to improve her situation. She improved her health using:

This made her feel less alone… she become more confident, and got a job.

Monica volunteering at the 2017 Epilepsy SuperHero 5Ka

Step by step, Monica defined her obstacles, solved problems and made progress. She started using a planner, role played with an EFCST staff member what she would say in her job interview and phrased her needs positively. Because Monica wanted to give back, she volunteered for EFCST several times. At a fundraising event, she bravely spoke about how EFCST’s services are important and had improved her life.

EFCST provides services to Monica at no cost to her. Thanks to donors like you who help fund EFCST’s services, Monica is more independent than ever before and now has the full-time job she worked so hard to get.

To help us continue to provide services to people like Monica, please consider making a gift today. Thank you!