It is not easy to have epilepsy.
When George first came to the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas in May of 2016, everyone in his life had given up on him. He was sleeping on sidewalks, he reeked of alcohol and life on the streets, and he was not receiving treatment for his epilepsy. His biggest loss…he had lost all visitation rights with his children. George was in a very dark place.
George decided he needed to change his life…he wanted to see his kids again. His took the first step and scheduled a meeting with the Epilepsy Foundation’s Social Services Coordinator Kathy Kraemer. Kathy (who is affectionately known as the resident “problem solver”) listened to George and developed a comprehensive plan.
Kathy helped George complete the application to become a patient in the Foundation’s seizure clinic. She helped George with other very important services as well…she helped him find a safe place to sleep, and she helped him find a job with the Texas Workforce Commission.
After speaking with Kathy, George had hope! He was ready to begin the challenging process to get “clean” and get his life in order. Because George was homeless, had no permanent address, and did not have a phone, it was difficult for Kathy to stay in touch with George to help monitor his progress. Kathy said that she was so impressed that in spite of his many challenges (which included sleeping in the courtyard at a local homeless shelter), “he managed to mail in his paperwork” to apply for clinic services.
Getting on the Right Path
Kathy said “I wasn’t sure we would ever see him again. I was thrilled and shocked when I saw him back in our office.” Because George did not have a phone, he had to physically return to the Epilepsy Foundation office to confirm his upcoming clinic appointment. George was motivated!
George had his first clinic appointment and was started on anti-epileptic medication. He was making progress…he was getting healthy! George also began attending the Foundation’s support groups where he could openly discuss his struggles with alcoholism and epilepsy. George was on the road to success!

Kathy, the doctors, and members of the clinic team were so encouraged by George’s obvious commitment and personal motivation to “get his life straight!” Kathy said, “The amazing thing is how we were able to help keep George on the right path. I believe if our clinic staff wasn’t so committed, diligent, and compassionate, George would’ve been lost in the system.”
Kathy believes that the relationship the clinic staff establishes with each patient is what helps keep George and patients like him in treatment. George’s success earned him the best gift of all…reuniting with his children. Yes! A family is healing!
It has been two years since George walked into doors of the Epilepsy Foundation. George continues to receive services from the Foundation. He remains a clinic patient and a member of the San Antonio Support Group. He continues to receive his clinic care and medications at no cost. George happily reports that he is living independently, enjoys his work as a journeyman electrician, and best news of all…George once again has a relationship with his children! Yes! He has a family!
How You Can Help
The gifts we receive from kindhearted people like you help George and so many others lead healthy, productive lives. With your help, the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas is able to provide important, life-saving services to people with epilepsy who have nowhere else to go.
When you make a monetary gift to the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas, you give hope! You help George and thousands of others like him to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy! Giving provides valuable services which will improve the lives of so many who like George are counting on us. Your gift will make a difference! It will change a life! Your gift is needed to bring light into more lives!
To help more people like George, visit bit.ly/GiftEpilepsyHealth to donate.
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