Why camp?
This year I had the incredible opportunity to be a camp counselor at Camp Brainstorm. As a first time counselor, I witnessed the impact of camp. I saw a place that allows kids with epilepsy to come and experience traditional camp activities, while escaping the real world and conquering new challenges.
Camp Brainstorm is a great place for kids with epilepsy to meet other children like them and to experience new activities. The camp is located at Camp Aranzazu in Rockport. Fun activities are scheduled each day as well as interactive informational sessions that will benefit the children long after camp has ended.
Arriving at Camp Brainstorm
Getting to see joy on everyone’s face was a pleasure to witness each day. Some kids were shy when they first arrived, but by the last day everyone was hanging out like they’d known each other for years. Some of the kids were returning campers from previous years and explained to the newbies how exciting and adventurous Camp Brainstorm is.
The activities!
- Swimming
- Canoeing
- Zip-lining
- Rock climbing
- Arts & Crafts
- Fishing
- Games
During the rock climbing activity, many campers were scared of heights. Their fellow campers rooted them on and that encouragement gave them the boost to overcome their fears. As one of the kids was walking back towards me he said, “I never thought I would ever get on something so high.” This goes to show how camp changes these kids.
Teamwork is required every day, building a bond between campers. An example of this was a friendly prank formulated by my cabin “Red Drum” which involved sheets and frogs. After only a few days, Camp felt like home and our cabin was like family.
What about that rain?
Camp Brainstorm this year had some rainy adventures! The rainy weather did not stop this group of kids from having a great time. Camp staff kept outdoors activities safe in light rain, diligently watched the forecast for when to bring the kids indoors, and created exciting new activities to keep kids engaged. An indoor rainy day favorite was Human Foosball.
Sweet Fun
The most comforting part was the seaside campfire and getting to eat s’mores on the beach. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy sweetness by the ocean? Camp Brainstorm makes every camper feel like anything is possible. One of my campers decided to become a counselor and this to me was touching. Getting these kids to think about and plan their futures is a major achievement.
During the final days of every Camp Brainstorm, a dance is held (my cabin brought some great moves this year)! The dance allows the children to be free spirited and enjoy time with their new friends. The kids get the opportunity to showcase what they have learned throughout camp and display their talents at a talent show. This year, we had some amazing singers and storytellers!
Self Reflection
The last major activity and a Camp Brainstorm tradition: campers and counselors come together in a circle and share how camp has changed their lives and what they enjoyed the most. Hearing kids share how camp made a difference in their lives was by far the most meaningful experience for me. Learning how Camp Brainstorm had motivated them to be who they are and never feel alone almost brought me to tears. Each camper went home knowing they had a second family who would support them and encourage them no matter what, and would remind them that anything is possible.
2018 was Camp Brainstorm’s biggest year yet, with 67 campers in attendance! With a goal of 80 campers next year, I’d like to ask for your help in 2019 to provide even more kids with the same life-changing opportunity. Give today, send a kid to camp in 2019, and change a life forever.
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