To spotlight the people this Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas helps, check out our weekly blog called, “An Inside Look.” This week, learn more about our new Development Officer Amber Sizer.

Tell me about yourself. Where did you go to school and why did you choose your major?

I am the new Development Officer for the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas. I am a resourceful communication professional with over 15 years’ experience in event and project management, marketing, public relations, human resources, and nonprofit development. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in communication with a concentration in public relations from The University of Texas at San Antonio. While there I also minored in nonprofit management and earned the title of Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.

The mission of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance is to strengthen the social sector with a talented and prepared workforce. The CNP credential is the only national certificate that combines critical skills and knowledge, practical experience, and a national perspective. It is available through the Alliance’s network of 40 universities and colleges. These educational institutions, in conjunction with the Alliance’s national nonprofit partners and CNPs, represent the largest network in the country working to strengthen the social sector with a talented and prepared workforce. The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance was founded as American Humanics in 1948 by H. Roe Bartle.

I chose my major and to be apart of the CNP program because from a very young age I wanted to help people. My sisters and I grew up in a household where we didn’t have a whole lot of money and therefore benefited from the support of others. I even watched my grandparents take us in after my parents’ divorce. After that I continued to hear about the giving nature of my grandfather and have always wanted to be like him. He died when I was young, but I hope that I am making him proud.

What made you want to join the Epilepsy Foundation?

As a San Antonio native, I believe in supporting my community and the people that live here. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a little over two years ago. Because of that, I value the importance of quality medical care, research, advocacy, and awareness. I just want to do my small part to further the mission and stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.

What do you hope to accomplish with the Epilepsy Foundation?

I hope to take fundraising to a whole new level here at the Epilepsy Foundation. I also hope to help people and make a difference in at least one person’s life. By just helping one person, I feel like my life has meaning and a purpose.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

When I am not at work, I enjoy horseback riding, going to the lake, shopping, spending time with my family, and taking long naps.