To spotlight the people this Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas helps, check out our weekly blog called, “An Inside Look.” This week, read our Special Events Intern Kylie Hucks’s account of what it’s like to be an intern at the Foundation.

After Graduation

After I graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio, EFCST gave me the unique opportunity to start a Special Events Internship with them. Those familiar with the Foundation know they are highly active in the community, with events almost every other month.

This is why I’m so grateful for this opportunity. I searched for a way to prove myself after graduating and EFCST gave me that opportunity. Now, I’m gaining the experience I need to take the next step in my career.

I briefly spoke with the Development & Marketing Associate Ashley before I began my internship. “You’re job is going to be supporting our events, specifically our Walks in November,” she told me over the phone. Then, I didn’t know everything that went into making an event successful.

Learning the Ropes

Now, working with the Foundation, I understand the background work that goes into setting up such a big event. From emailing past participants and potential donors to helping with social media, I feel like I can do it all!

All of the staff at EFCST are so patient and willing to answer the questions I inevitably have and I’m excited to contribute to the success of the Walk!

A Perfect Opportunity

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my communications degree when I left UTSA. I was looking for anyone to take me under their wing. Interning at EFCST gave me the understanding and skills I need to feel confident about my abilities. This organization gave me the opportunity not only that I wanted, but needed. I truly feel the work I contribute here is rewarding, and I know it is for the staff as well.

I’m excited to see what my future holds for me and I’m so thankful to everyone at EFCST!