HOBSCOTCH is a free program specifically for adults with epilepsy. It’s designed to help you find ways to manage and cope with your memory problems in order to lead a happier, more productive life.
HOBSCOTCH uses Problem Solving Treatment and Memory Strategies which will help you identify memory-related problems in your own daily life and find solutions to manage these problems. This program consists of 8 sessions delivered by a certified HOBSCOTCH Memory Coach. The sessions occur weekly and last 45-60 minutes. The first and last sessions are conducted either in-person in a private office setting, or virtually while the participant is at home using a computer or tablet and a webcam. It is up to the Memory Coach and participant to decide if an in-person or virtual approach is more appropriate. Your Memory Coach will guide you through the program, giving you encouragement and support, but the ideas, solutions, and actions come from YOU!