#GivingTuesday comes every Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and it combines the generosity of people worldwide to support causes they actually believe in within their communities. Started in 2012, the idea was to use the rise of social media to connect the world and inspire us all to give back to issues that truly matter. The goal in to create a day of kindness and giving that lasts well beyond Giving Tuesday and touches everyone. In just seven years, this movement has deeply transformed how we give. Giving Tuesday shows how much power a collective community has when striving to create change.

This year, Giving Tuesday is on Tuesday, December 3rd (tomorrow!) and we want you to be a part of it! Here are 5 reasons why you should join the movement and consider giving to the Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas this year.

 Feelings of Satisfaction

Studies show that those who donate really are much happier than non-donors. According to a study by the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, the life satisfaction among men and women increases when going from non-giving to giving. It also shows a greater rate of happiness among couples.

Imagine your dollars directly improving the lives of people with epilepsy! Your dollars could provide emergency medications to someone who needs it or send a child to camp. What better feeling is there than knowing you’re helping those in need in YOUR community?

Supporting Important Causes

Just because you can’t be physically involved in causes you find important, doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to them. You may not personally have the resources to help our epilepsy community, but your gift (small or big) will help provide resources. This way, you are directly contributing to life changing events.

It’s Tax Deductible

Giving in general is great — it makes you feel good and helps others. However, not many people are aware that your donations to non-profits are tax deductible. What goes around comes around, and you could see more money in your own pocket after deducting the amount you donated. 

Making a REAL Difference

Although the direct impact may seem slow, just know your contributions are truly making a difference. Know that your contributions really are making a difference. For example, $30 may not seem like much, but with $30 you can support Family Education.

 You’ll Rally Others to the Cause

The reason most people become involved with a non-profit organization is because of their friends and family members. By donating and telling people about the organization, more people are likely to get involved, increasing the chances of change. Individuals make up 72% of charitable giving, therefore, without you, the social impact that organizations depend on, would not exist.

While we sit at home this holiday season and think of the presents we still need to buy or the parties we might need to host, remember that there are those in our community who have just been diagnosed with epilepsy and don’t know where to go. That’s where we come in.

So whether it’s $20 or $200, every little bit makes a difference. The more we help those in need around us, the better we make our community. Make a difference this holiday season, participate in Giving Tuesday.