Annual Report 2024

Letter From Sindi


As I announce my retirement after 30 years with the
Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas, I am filled
with gratitude, reflection, and pride. What an incredible
journey it has been — one that has brought together individuals, families, and communities in the fight against
epilepsy, a cause that has defined my life’s work.

As I reflect on the incredible journey of the past 30 years, I write this final message as your CEO with a mixture of
sadness, gratitude, pride, and anticipation for the future. It has been an honor and a privilege to lead an
organization so deeply committed to advancing awareness, support, and research for those affected by epilepsy
and to witness the remarkable progress we have made together.

From the very beginning, I envisioned a world where those living with epilepsy would no longer face stigma, isolation, or
the uncertainty that comes with this condition. Thanks to your unwavering support, passion, and commitment, we have
made tremendous strides in research, advocacy, and education, helping improve the lives of tens of thousands of
individuals with epilepsy and seizures.

When I started on this journey, the landscape of epilepsy care was vastly different. We faced many challenges — from
limited public understanding of the condition to a lack of adequate resources for those living with epilepsy. Over the
years, with your support and dedication, we have broken down barriers, empowered communities, and brought vital
support to families and individuals whose lives are touched by epilepsy.

I am immensely proud of the strides we’ve made in increasing awareness, expanding access to care, and funding groundbreaking research. From pioneering public health campaigns to advocating for legislative change and enhancing the lives of those with epilepsy, our collective efforts have created lasting impacts that will be felt for generations to come.

While I am excited for the next chapter of my life, I am confident that EFCST will continue to lead the way in the fight against epilepsy. I am deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to EFCST’s growth and success — your
dedication has been the heartbeat of everything we’ve accomplished. I have full confidence in the team’s ability to continue our mission and inspire others to join the fight.

The Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas is built on a community of passionate individuals, partners, donors, and dedicated staff working tirelessly to achieve our mission. As I step into retirement, I am filled with confidence that EFCST will continue to grow and thrive. Our vision is for A world without epilepsy and lives free from seizures, and I trust that the next chapter will bring even more progress in our fight to overcome epilepsy.

While my time as CEO is ending, my commitment to the cause and my belief in our mission will never fade. I look forward to watching you continue the important work we’ve started, knowing that the future holds great promise. I am confident that with our shared dedication, we will overcome the challenges of epilepsy. I look forward to seeing all the fantastic progress ahead, and I will always remain a proud supporter of our work and the people who make it happen. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your leader and for making these 30 years an unforgettable and impactful journey. Serving as your CEO has truly been the honor of my life. Together, we have changed lives — and together, we will continue to do so.

Sindis Sig

Our Mission

The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to improve the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection.

Your continued support helps us realize our mission every day. It’s our volunteers, donors, and supporters who give us the opportunity to sustain our essential programs and services for our community.

In 2025, our goal is to ensure the success of our programs and services through more monthly donors than ever before. Visit to learn all the ways you can make an impact.

By The Numbers


People Served



Services Provided



Dedicated to our Mission

Essential Fundraising

Our fundraising events are always the highlight of everyone’s year! Not only do our events help fund the life-changing programs and services we provide, but they serve as a way to bring people together to share stories, learn more about epilepsy, and connect with others affected by epilepsy.


Volunteers in 2024


Volunteer Hours in 2024

Over the past decade, we’ve worked to answer more calls for help, provide more services to more patients, and build a stronger, more supportive community for the people living with epilepsy in Central & South Texas.

As the need in our community has grown, so have we, by bringing in more staff, new services and programs, we advocate for access to better, innovative care.

Calls for Assistance


Case Management Calls


Health Services

Serving Patients in 2024

In 2024, our clinical team continued to go above and beyond providing
unparalleled care to our patients. With the help of our supporters, our dedicated staff members, our partner neurologists and clinical team served 2,139 patients.

Health Services in 2020 vs 2010

Peace of Mind

All year, our staff here at EFCST ensured our patients never had to worry about their medications or meeting with their neurologist. We always strive to keep our patients informed, connected and cared for. Thank you to everyone who helped us and will continue to do so, ensuring we can provide essential health services for years to come.

# of Patients who Received an Epilepsy Service


# of Patients Assisted with Emergency Medication


“As we close this year, we celebrate the impact made through dedication, compassion, and collaboration. Here’s to the challenges faced, the lives improved, and the unwavering commitment to serving those who need it most. May the coming year bring even more opportunities to make a difference.”

Christine Zuniga,
Clinical Services Manager

Thank you to the Medical Professionals who helped us serve patients in 2024

Dr. Lola Morgan
Dr. Kameel Karkar
Dr. Octavian Lie

Dr. Adetoun Musa
Dr. Deborah Briggs
Angie Payne, APRN

Dr. Charles A Szabo
Dr. Sreekanth Koneru
Dr. Daisy Bui

Dr. Karylsa Torres
Dr. Azreena Thomas
Michael Seamon, APRN

Dr. Anupama Alareddy
Elizabeth Wedberg-Sivam, APRN


Screenshot 2025-01-15 110750

Education & Training

Educating a Community

We are spreading awareness and building a more supportive community in Central and South Texas through education and training.

Since the introduction of Sam’s Law, more school personnel, including school nurses, have been trained in seizure first aid and recognition, ensuring the safety of hundreds of thousands of Texas students.



Advocating for the Future

Advocacy is an essential part of what we do. Through advocacy, we are ensuring access to better care and education for the epilepsy community in Central and South Texas. We answer calls to assist with issues on discrimination, disability rights at school and with employers, and much more. This year,
we answered 410 advocacy requests from our community.

Now, Texas is one of the few states in the US where epilepsy education is mandated as a part of the curriculum, ensuring the safety of Texas students and raising awareness for childhood epilepsy.


Essential Fundraising

Our fundraising events are always the highlight of everyone’s year! Not only do our events help fund the life-changing programs and services we provide, but they serve as a way to bring people together to share stories, learn more about epilepsy, and connect with others affected by epilepsy.

This year , supporters like you raised...

Social Media

Better Together

Social media has the amazing ability to bring us together and plays a huge
role in bringing people together. We strive to make sure everyone in our community can connect with each other, learn about epilepsy, and help us support our cause.

Thank You

Corporate Board of Directors

Sindi Rosales, Cheif Executive Officer
Alison Packard, Vice President
John Avery, Secretary
Francesca Barajas, Member
Janine Hornbeak, Member
Carl “Tex” Morgan, Member
Adam Velez, Member
Joe S. Ochoa III, Member


Scott Verstuyft, President
Olaf Roepke, Treasurer
Tracy Biltz, Secretary
Steven Contreras, Member
Kirk Jewasko, Member
Josue Morales, Member
Willam Taylor, Member

Central Texas Board of Directors

Katie Graham, President
Olaf Roepke, Treasurer
Karen Cruickshanks, Member
Miriam Jackson, Member
Tracy Stalvey, Member
Joe Lopez, Member


Leanna Dando, Secretary
Jennifer Cahill, Member
Debbie Gomez, Member
Madeleine Khamnei, Member
Wesley Price, Member
Kaytlyn Thomas, Member

DONORS of $500 and above

Eduardo Aldape
Elizabeth Alamillo
Alamo Kiwanis Club Charities, Inc.
Robert Allard
Anonymous “For the Glory of God”
Sean Arredondo
Brandy Ashby
Pamela Ashley
Ginger Averitt
Scott Barrow
Baylor Scott & White
Natanya Bellar
Tracy Biltz
Binkley & Barfield | DCCM
Dr. Deborah Briggs
Dr. Matthew Brimberry
Chad Brooks
Liliana Bueno
Travis Burroughs
CAF America
Jimmie Caldwell
Patrice Calomeni
Robert Casillas
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Angela & William Childers
Texas Children’s Christus Children’s
Richard Clark
Dr. Dave Clarke
CMW Equipment
Larry Coker
Hilary Comfort
Steven & Morgan Contreras
Karen Cruickshanks
Patrick Cushing
Freeman Dando
Leanna & Kyle Dando
Yuna Davtyan
Nick Delarosa
Dell Children’s/Ascension
DHR Health
Jeevan Dhruve
Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance
Dianne Douglas
Kevin & Jahna Douglas
Driscoll Children’s Hospital
EOG Resources, Inc
Heather Everson
First Christian Church

Shaun Forks
Boedy Franklin
Dr. Daniel Freedman
Frost Bank
Oscar Garza
Michael Geary
Vance Ginn
Kate & Steve Goode
Gordon Hartman Family Foundation
Katie Graham
Mary Graham
Greehey Family Foundation
Kara Gross
Dr. Daniel Gustkey
HALFF Associates, Inc.
Karl Hammerle
Tabatha Havelka
Cheryl Hogan
Kimberly Howell
Lester Iverson
Linda Jackson
Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Kirk Jewasko
Bradford Kaufman
Kemper Cares
Dr. Karen & Le Keough
Jared King
Steve & Brenda Kitchen
Corey Klemcke
Dr. Kate Labiner
Todd Leedy
Leo Daniel Foundation Grundhoefer
Danielle Long
Blaine Lopez
Oriana Love
Robert Lyons
Terri Lyons
Zachary Manzi
Martin Marietta
Jason Massiatte
Wiley McMinn
Methodist Physicians Neurosurgery and Neurology Specialists
Mike Middlebrooks
Vince Milano
Cynthia Miller
Marcie Miller

Elizabeth Milvo, MA, LPC
MoakCasey, LLC
Josue Morales
Maria Luisa Morales
Pedro Morales
Tex Morgan
Cheryl Mueller
Francis Mueller
Robert Murray
NATUS Medical
Pamela Navarro
Neurelis, Inc.
Rachel Nobles
Ochsner Health
Dr. Blake & Elizabeth O’Lavin
Roberta Olmstead
Jeff & Nina Otchis
Alison Packard
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc
Dr. Fred Perkins
Megan Phaneuf
Dan Philbrick
Ronnie & Mary Beth Pinkerton
Elinor Pisano
Jim Playford
PMT Corporation
Kimberley Pollok
Page Portas
Jeanne Powell
Emily Ramirez
Manuel Ramos
Kristin Ray
Leslie Reynolds
Lis Riley
Monica Rodriguez
Steven Rodriguez
Olaf Roepke
Eric Roepke-Silingardi
Jennifer Roossein
Sindi & Joe Rosales
Davida Rosenthal
Kathleen Sadler
Marc Salvato
Lauriann Samaniego
Mariela Sanchez
Danette Sandoval
SK Life Science

Mary Smith
Traci & Derek Smith
Travis Soechting
Sam Spears
St. David’s – SDNAMC
TJ & Beth Stalvey
Winston Stalvey
Scott Steinbring
Robert & Heidi Stevener
Dr. Melissa & Jonathan Svoboda
Dr. Akos Szabo
Andrew Szatan
William Taylor
Texas Cannabis Clinic
Texas Cavalier Charitable Foundation
Texas Children’s Hospital
Texas Original (Compassionate Cultivation)
The Najim Charitable Foundation
The Raul Tijerina Jr. Foundation
Drs. Azreena & John Thomas
Janice Thomas
Nathaniel Thomas
Marion Trapolino
Lesa Triolo
UCB, Inc.
University Health System
Upsher-Smith Laboratories, LLC
Brad Urbanczyk
Valero Benefit for Children
Valero Champions Fore Charity
Valero Energy Corporation
Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation
Jessica Valverde
Vantage Bank Texas
Adam Velez
Scott Verstuyft
Rafael & Maria Luisa Villarreal
Dr. Gretchen Von Allmen
Rose Walker
Casey Weaver
Carrie Wells-Harsin
Renee Wendland
Sarah & Victor Williams
Janet Wilson
Vickie Wolfe
Zach Wortham

Thank you for your support this past year!

Your support means the world to us and we’re thankful to have you going into 2025. To continue supporting the epilepsy community become a monthly donor today!