Our community. Our impact.

Your support matters.

Epilepsy “Have A Heart” Golf Tournament.
We can’t image a better way to spend a Friday!
We are so grateful to the Epilepsy “Have a Heart” Golf Tournament organizers Barbara and Jeff English, committee members, Brain Sentinel, all sponsors and participants, volunteers and the staff at TPC San Antonio. View Photo Gallery Here

Rain or Shine We Had a Great Time!

The rain might have gotten to us in the end, but golfers got to enjoy a putting contest with Greg Hiller and a couple of holes on the course before taking shelter indoors. 

But rain doesn’t stop us from having a great time! Food, silent auction, and great company inside High Velocity led to a successful event. Your generosity and passion for helping people living with epilepsy helps to provide services and resources to the families we serve.

Special Thanks

Organizers Barbara & Jeff English

Barbara and Jeff English founded the Erika Knode Epilepsy Awareness Memorial Foundation (ErikaFoundation.org) in memory of their daughter to raise awareness of epilepsy in our society and to assist those with epilepsy assimilate into the workplace.

A huge thank you to both Barbara & Jeff English for all the time and effort, donations and sponsorship, and many memorable silent auction items they have generously given.

 Purple Sponsor Brain Sentinel

Brain Sentinel’s Marketing team shares information about their latest product, SiezureLink, & thank sponsors and golfers at the 2018 Epilepsy “Have A Heart” Golf Tournament.

Along with being a Purple Sponsor, Brain Sentinel also loaned us employees who performed important roles on the golf tournament committee and served as volunteers to help make the breakfast and luncheon special on May 4th. If you are interested in participating in study trials for this SeizureLink product, you can learn more and register here.

Thank You Sponsors

The difference your support makes

Your participation directly serves the essential needs of 154,000 people with epilepsy, many of whom cannot afford to pay for services.

Thank you for being part of providing hope and opportunities for individuals navigating the challenges of living with epilepsy.